Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Great Messages - Adrian Rogers, "Celebrate the Difference"

I love this message by Dr. Adrian Rogers. From the very beginning of the message, "Celebrate the Difference", pastor Rogers addresses one of the questions that has plagued man and woman since the 70s, "Who is better: The man or woman"? His answer hits the nail on the head in the way that you know it was only our Lord and Savior who gave this answer to this man of God.

Some people in the secular world will not like this message. Some Christian may not like this message because we live in a day and time where people think you can live a lifestyle and I will argue with you till the cows come home that God approves of their ways. In the very few minutes he answers the questions in regards to homosexuality, bestiality, polygamy (I've always remind people that say, "Abraham had two wives. Number one: Abraham did not have two wives and second, Abraham went out of God's will and slept with Hagar, Sarai's maid servant to produce an heir but in the end caused heartache and trouble that is felt in our world today because Abraham did not trust God.)

The cool thing about this message and other messages from pastor Rogers is not only does he relate this on Godly terms but also medical and terms. He addresses why women will out live men, why women become come cold quicker than men, why men can lose weight faster than women. So much knowledge is packed in this 37 minute message. Throughout the message he makes the point that neither is better than one another, we are just different and that is to be celebrated and not condemned. We are not in competition with one another we are to respect one another to the highest degree.

Pastor Rogers addresses the question to how we are to embrace marriage, how to treat our spouse, how in the end marriage is hard work but in the end it's a wonderful thing when we "Celebrate the Difference".

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